Gillette, WY

Today started off quite chilly in Cody, Wyoming at 43 degrees at 10:30 AM. It was also quite overcast, so I didn’t get any heat benefit from the darker colors on the Atom. My route took me up Highway 14A into the Bighorn National Forest, at elevations approaching 10,000 feet. Click here for a map. At those elevations, my breath was condensing and freezing on the inside of my helmet visor. 14A doesn’t really use a pass through the mountains – it just climbs to the top via switchbacks, runs along the top for some time, and then descends via switchbacks (you can explore the link above to see what’s down the road if you want). There were a number of great photographic opportunities, but I was concentrating on getting down off the mountain before I froze.

Tonight I’m in Gillette, WY which is about 60 miles from the South Dakota state line, near Devil’s Tower National Monument. I passed 10,000 miles today – the current reading is 10,048.

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