Washington, DC

I drove through Washington, DC on my way to Delaware. I figured I’d see some of the sights and it would be worth the extra travel time. I was wrong.

We really should do something about it, lest we give the wrong impression to foreign tourists. The roads are in terrible shape (at least in New York City, when there’s a chunk of road missing, it is because some utility work is going on – in Washington, DC there are chasms in the road for no apparent purpose). The signage is confusing / nonexistant (who would ever put exits in tunnels and then put the labels on the exits 1/4 mile past where the road splits)? The traffic signals seem to be timed to catch you at every light. Did I mention the signage is terrible? I would up getting a scenic tour of the Union Station parking garage due to the signs.

Fortunately, all the locals were friendly and were glad to help me “get the hell out of here”.

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